Hair and hair growth

The strength and characteristics of hair growth are primarily ethnically (ancestral) determined and inherited. The quality, quantity, shape and color of the hair are closely related to the type and age of the person (hormonal). The reasons why head and body hair can change over the course of a person’s life have not yet been fully researched. Human hair is a complex structure consisting mainly of various horny substances (keratin). These horn substances are similar to those found in fingernails. They are made up of poorly soluble, sulfur-containing, mostly fibrous raw materials. (Note: This indicates how aggressive depilatory creams need to be in order to achieve their goal).

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Hair consists of about 4% sulphur, 6% hydrogen, 17% nitrogen, 23% oxygen and just under 50% carbon. The hair itself is made up of three layers: a cuticle layer, a fiber layer and the medullary canal. The hair grows diagonally out of the hair follicle, which also determines the hair cross-section. The cross-section is also defined in the hereditary program and therefore varies greatly depending on origin.

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Professional hair removal in Zurich

For professional hair removal in Zurich, we use methods such as sugaring and waxing, which have been proven to reduce the growth rate of hair and weaken the hair roots.

Group 65414

Professional hair removal in Zurich

For professional hair removal in Zurich, we use methods such as sugaring and waxing, which have been proven to reduce the growth rate of hair and weaken the hair roots.

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The growth phases and their function

Hair does not grow continuously, but cyclically in certain, different phases. Normally, 85% of the hair is in the growth phase (anagen), 15% in the transition phase (catagen) or the resting phase (telogen). In contrast to head hair, these 3 growth phases in body hair take up to approx. 6 weeks. Once these growth phases are complete, a hair falls out shortly afterwards. Each hair falls out at a different time than the neighboring hair, because each hair follows its own rhythm. This shows up very well after a method in which the hair is removed with the root. The fewer and finer hairs appear on the surface of the skin at different times. Originally, hair had a protective function, especially against the cold and the sun’s rays. In our age, they have lost this task.

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More hair meant better protection. This is why redheads have the most and strongest hair. Their skin produces less melanin than blondes or dark-haired people and compensates for this with stronger hair growth. Hair removal is easiest for black-haired people (southern types). However, these hairs are the most visible to the eye. In addition, the decline in hair growth in this type appears to be much slower than in other types.